Eduardo Politzer

aka EdMarola

sound and pixel

Dream-themed sound and pixel artist, creating immersive audio-visual experiences.

Passionate about exploring the boundaries of perception and consciousness through art.

Room of Mirrors 

Worldwide listening party version:

Virtual Galleries

> Marola's Art Pavilion

Interactive Experiences

tego dego present
(free to play game)

> Ingrainment device #1
(free to play music experience)

Generative Tokens

> TegoDego flow maps generator

> Tegodego Poetry

> Purple Vases


︎︎︎ "Digital Na(t)ive" 2023 digital exhibition @

︎︎︎ Teia NFT.NYC 2022 after party (lydian starter) - USA

︎︎︎ "Digital Self" 2022 Exhibit - Jano Lapin Studios - CANADA

︎︎︎ SP arte 2021 + BRIFW AR JAM - winner with the Namastraders collective

︎︎︎ SP arte 2022 - Pupila Dilatada 2 exhibit

︎︎︎ Hacktudo festival @ Modern Art Museum (MAM-RJ) as part of the "Pupila Dilatada 3"show. Rio de Janeiro 2022

︎︎︎ "Delirios Digitais" show @ Bienal de arte digital - Rio de Janeiro - 2022


︎︎︎ Featured in the book THE NEW CREATOR ECONOMY

︎︎︎ Coletivo Amarelo's BLOG post about early 2021 work 

Featured in Criptofago Zine #2

︎︎︎ Featured in several episodes of the "Artist Journal" series by Adrien Pocobelli on blockchain as support for art.


︎︎︎ WORKSHOP : Poéticas Digitais com Coletivo Amarelo e Eduardo Politzer
